Monday 31 October 2011

Runaway Success

Last Zombie Standing was screened at Ye Olde Rose & Crown on Friday for Walthamstow Short Film Club's Halloween Night. The film was given a warm welcome and we were in good company: seventeen other great films were on the programme including, my favourite, this lesson in how to make an action movie:
and a new edit of this film written and directed by Last Zombie Standing writer Molly Brown.
A gauntlet was also thrown down at the event which I may not be able to resist: more on that story later.


Reid Kemper said...

"Loading Google Maps." LOL. I also like how the spoon was sweating and had to fight the fork.

McTodd said...

I had a great time at the Halloween-themed Film Club evening, and really enjoyed your fil ("We will not put up with that sort of thing in Croydon!"). The Runaway Spoon was magnificent as well. There were several very good films shown that evening, and I look forward to future Short Film Club evenings!

Sci-Fi Gene said...

Thanks for both your comments. Walthamstow film night is definitely recommended, friendly atmosphere and great taste in films ;)