Glen, Maurice, Dyeve - thanks! It was a lot of fun finding them. I found about 40 (there were over 250 out there) but I didn't get to see the Paddington one :(
The herd has moved on now but something even more exciting has returned to take their place...
Glad you could drop by! This blog is part support group, part research institute for those who, like me, enjoy the best and the worst of sci-fi. In addition I have interests in computer graphics and independent media, and will continue to document my own adventures in filmmaking and CGI.
Hey Gene,
I love your posts, and this is one I think I'll never forget.
(Hmm, I wonder why that is exactly?)
Thanks for your comment yourhiatus! And no, Ivory much doubt you will forget it.
Nicely taken photos - there is a pretty cool Elephant at Paddington station too.
LOL I love the Doctor Who quotes. The elephants are nice too. ;)
Look at this cute elephants ♥♥♥
I love elephants so much …they are the best animal bcz u can tell what they feel just by looking at them...
I wish I had a purple elephant..:(
Glen, Maurice, Dyeve - thanks! It was a lot of fun finding them. I found about 40 (there were over 250 out there) but I didn't get to see the Paddington one :(
The herd has moved on now but something even more exciting has returned to take their place...
I would ask to see the parade next month, but it seems this post has become irrelephant to me.
The elephants are Nellie all gone now, they are pachyderm away as we speak.
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