Funny stuff. I never actually saw Asylum's "Sherlock Holmes" but my brother tells me it's not a complete waste of time, so it's roughly a billion times better than Asylum's other movies
It's not a complete waste of time, no, but not necessarily the film to convert you either. It's too late for me, I'm half way through Titanic II now - "Women and children first? Looks like history's repeating itself..." - and I have every intention of watching the rest.
Glad you could drop by! This blog is part support group, part research institute for those who, like me, enjoy the best and the worst of sci-fi. In addition I have interests in computer graphics and independent media, and will continue to document my own adventures in filmmaking and CGI.
Let's petition our respective entertainment industries for sharks with laser beams. I know you just want sharks, but I'm goin for gold here.
Times have moved on Lovy! Frankly, these days, I wouldn't even get out of bed unless it was at least half octopus.
Funny stuff. I never actually saw Asylum's "Sherlock Holmes" but my brother tells me it's not a complete waste of time, so it's roughly a billion times better than Asylum's other movies
It's not a complete waste of time, no, but not necessarily the film to convert you either. It's too late for me, I'm half way through Titanic II now - "Women and children first? Looks like history's repeating itself..." - and I have every intention of watching the rest.
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