Tuesday, 21 September 2010

The Tyrannosaurus Rex Of The Baskervilles [Review: Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes]


Lovy Boheme said...

Let's petition our respective entertainment industries for sharks with laser beams. I know you just want sharks, but I'm goin for gold here.

Sci-Fi Gene said...

Times have moved on Lovy! Frankly, these days, I wouldn't even get out of bed unless it was at least half octopus.

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Funny stuff. I never actually saw Asylum's "Sherlock Holmes" but my brother tells me it's not a complete waste of time, so it's roughly a billion times better than Asylum's other movies

Sci-Fi Gene said...

It's not a complete waste of time, no, but not necessarily the film to convert you either. It's too late for me, I'm half way through Titanic II now - "Women and children first? Looks like history's repeating itself..." - and I have every intention of watching the rest.